
    Web3 Data

    Do you want to know what is going on on-chain? On-chain data is what tells you how healthy a chain is, what the current supply situation is and how much a transaction might cost you. Want to find out more about what goes on on the Ethereum Mainnet? Here you can get some basic insights into what gas fees are currently like, who mined the last block and the total amount of ETH in circulation. This page shows Ethereum blockchain data provided by Etherscan. The data includes:

    ETH Total Supply: This card shows the current amount of Ether (ETH) in circulation, including staking rewards from ETH2, fees burnt through EIP1559, and total ETH withdrawn from the beacon chain. This data shows the overall availability and distribution of Ether within the Ethereum network.

    Block Data: This card reveals details about the latest mined block, including the block number, timestamp, the number of transactions, the recipient of the mining reward, and the block size. The block number tracks the blockchain's growth. The timestamp shows when the block was mined. The number of transactions indicates network activity. The mining reward recipient shows who mined the block. The block size reflects the amount of data processed.

    Gas Usage: Here you can see how much Gas was used in the latest block, how much this was of the maximum supply, and how much of it was burnt. The amount of Gas used indicates the computational effort required for transactions. The proportion of Gas used relative to the maximum supply shows network efficiency and congestion. The amount of Gas burnt reflects the Gas fees removed from circulation, impacting the supply and value of the cryptocurrency.

    ETH Total Supply

    Here you can see the current amount of Ether in circulation, ETH2 Staking rewards, EIP1559 burnt fees, and total withdrawn ETH from the beacon chain.

    Total Supply:
    Burnt Fees:
    From Beacon Chain:

    Block Data

    Here you can see data from the latest Block. Find out who mined the latest Block and what Fees they received. Follow the links to Etherscan to get even more details on what happens on-chain.

    Number of TX:
    Block Size:

    Gas Usage

    Find out how much gas was spent in the last block. You can see the gas used, how much that was compared to the total limit of 30.000.000 and how much was burned in the process.

    Gas Used:
    Percentage of Limit:
    Burnt Fees:

    Get Wallet Balance

    Enter any wallet address and get the native currency balance.

    Current Chain:

    Ethereum Mainnet

    Other Resources

    Follow these Links to find out more valuable information about what these metrics mean.

    Blockchain KPIs

    To evaluate the effectiveness and health of blockchain systems, several Key Performance Indicators are used. They offer insights into network performance, security & activity.


    Here you can find a list of recommended tools to use in Blockchain and Web3 Development. I am always eager to expand this list, so contact me and tell me what tool should not be missing from this list.

    Unit Converter

    Convert ETH Units like Wei, Gwei and Ether to compare. Calculate how much Wei or Gwei are compared to ETH. Simply enter a value in the field and get it converted to either Wei, Gwei or Ether.

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