
    My Certificates.

    Discover my collection of certifications showcasing my expertise in Web3 and Solidity and as a devloper in general. Each certificate represents a milestone in the journey towards mastery in blockchain development. While not every skill is formally certified, this intentional focus on recognized achievements underscores my commitment to excellence. The certificates displayed here are not just credentials; they're a testament to a dedication to staying at the forefront of decentralized technology.

    I have a full list of my technical Skills on my landing page. My certificates are a testament to my motivation and desire to create first class Smart Contracts, DApps, Wesbites and more. Contact me to make your Blockchain and Web3 Project a reality!

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    Unity Blockchain Game Development 101

    Game Development

    Issued by Moralis Academy.

    December 3, 2023

    Covered Topics

    Unity Basics
    Unity Tilemaps & Stripes
    Unity Prefabs
    Unity in-game items
    Unity Collisions
    Unity C# Scripting
    Unity Gravity

    Here I had the opportunity to get an insight into the world of game development. We built a small game, similarr in looks to the one you can find under my projects, built with Unity.



    Issued by Goodhabitz.

    May 24, 2023

    Covered Topics

    Scrum Framework
    3 Pillars of Scrum
    Sprint Planning
    Product Backlog Management
    Sprint Burndown Charts
    Sprint Reviews
    Agile Principles
    Agile Development

    During this course I learned how to use Scrum during development processes and the advantages associated with it. We went over why Scrum is useful and how to implement it straight away. I was taught on how to manage and lead a team using Scrum.

    Baseline Protocol & Unibright


    Issued by Moralis Academy.

    November 29, 2022

    Covered Topics

    Unibright Framework
    Corda & Quorum
    Enterprise Blockchain
    Baseline Protocol
    Zero-Knowledge Proof
    Baseline & DeFi

    This course went over Blockchain Solutions for Businesses, mainly Unibright and Baseline Protocol.

    Ethereum Game Programming


    Issued by Moralis Academy.

    November 24, 2022

    Covered Topics

    Building Game with JavaSscript
    Computer Graphics
    Business Use Cases
    Non Fungible Tokens
    Integration of Smart Contract and Game
    Smart Contract Programming

    This course was meant to showcase one of the possible usecases of Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs). We built a game with Phaser and coded Solidity Smart Contracts that represent items. We also built the game which is displayed uner my projects. I later made my own alterations to the game. More under my Projects!

    Blockchain Business Masterclass


    Issued by Moralis Academy.

    August 24, 2022

    Covered Topics

    Industry Use Cases
    Centralized Systems
    Decentralized Systems
    Hyperledger Fabric
    Hyperledger Composer
    Blockchain Tree
    Permissioned Blockchains

    In this course we went over Blockchain Solutions for Businesses. The main focus were private blockchains and Hyperledger. We also went over existing technical solutions and problem in the adoption of Blockchain in Businesses.

    DeFi 201


    Issued by Moralis Academy.

    July 15, 2022

    Covered Topics

    Black Thursday Analysis
    Flash Loans
    Yield Hacking
    DeFi Interest Rate Swap
    DeFi Financial Stack
    Decentralized Insurance

    This course was the follow-up to DeFi 101 and went deeper into the world Decentraclized Finance. We went over more advanced topics and use cases aswell.

    DeFi 101


    Issued by Moralis Academy.

    July 1, 2022

    Covered Topics

    Decentralized Money Market
    DeFi Risk Analysis
    DeFi Financial Stack
    DeFi Account Security

    This course was the basis of further courses and went over core concepts of DeFi (Decentralized Finance). It also talked abput some projects that exist in this space.

    React Web Development 101


    Issued by Moralis Academy.

    June 14, 2022

    Covered Topics

    Creating React Apps
    API Communication
    Development Environment for React
    Advanced Functional Components
    Class-Based Components

    This coures was my first introduction to React.Js. We went over the most important concepts. At the end of this course hte project called 'ReactJs Coin Exchange' was created. I have it linked on my website. Check it out!

    Ethereum Smart Contract Security


    Issued by Moralis Academy.

    April 14, 2022

    Covered Topics

    DAO Hack Replication
    Parity Hack Replication
    Hyperinfaltion Bug
    Developer Mindset
    Solidity Best Practices
    Contract Desing
    Upgradeable Contracts
    Proxy Contracts
    Pausable Contracts

    In this course I had the opportunity to improve my skills to develop secure Solidity Smart Contracts. We went over Attacks, how they work and how to stop them from happening. This course gave me a better unerstanding on the necessary steps during the Development of Smart Contracts.

    Ethereum Smart Contract Programming 201


    Issued by Moralis Academy.

    February 9, 2022

    Covered Topics

    Truffle Development
    Truffle Unit Tests
    MetaMask Integration
    Truffle Migrations
    Ethereum Oracles
    Testnet Development
    Ethereum DApps

    Here I had the chance to improve my knwoledge of Solidity. This course went over advanced concepts. We built the project named 'Ethereum DEX'. We used the Smart Contract Development Framework Truffle for Devloping and Testing the Smart Contracts. The End-result was a Decentralized Exchange for an ERC-20 Token.

    FinTech 101


    Issued by Moralis Academy.

    November 17, 2021

    Covered Topics

    Fintech Evolution
    Six Pillars of Finance
    Computing in Banks
    Open Banking
    Embedded Finance
    Fintech Regulations
    Banking API Aggregators

    During this course I had the chance to learn the Basics of FinTech. I got an insight into how Banks operate and an introduction to banking regulations. We went over everything from Fintech regulation, how KYC and Anti Money Laundering works, to the regulation of Crypto assets.

    Ethereum Smart Contract Programming 101


    Issued by Moralis Academy.

    November 8, 2021

    Covered Topics

    Solidity Basics
    Arrays & Structs
    Data Location
    Error Handling
    External Calls

    This course was Introduction to Soldidity and Smart Contract Programming. As part of this course I alsoe created a Multi Signature Ethereum Wallet. I have it displayed on my page. Check it out!

    JavaScipt Programming for Blockchain Developers


    Issued by Moralis Academy.

    October 15, 2021

    Covered Topics

    Progarmming Mindest
    JavaScript Basics
    Web Development
    JavaScript Types
    JavaScript Loops
    JavaScript Data Structures
    JavaScript Functions
    NodeJs Basics

    This course was my first introduction to coding. As the name says, this was the course to teach me basics in JavaScript. There is also a newer and improved version of this course, which I also took at a later time. During this later course I also built my porject called 'DEX Frontend'.

    Ethereum 101


    Issued by Moralis Academy.

    August 16, 2021

    Covered Topics

    Ethereum Basics
    Ethereum EVM
    Ethereum Consensus
    Account Model
    Token Standards
    Smart Contracts
    Decentralized Applications (DApps)

    In this course th main foucs was to gain an understanding about the technical aspects of how Ethereum and the EVM work. We went over the basics of Smart Contracts and Token Standards.

    Blockchain & Bitcoin 101


    Issued by Moralis Academy.

    August 10, 2021

    Covered Topics

    Blockchain Basics
    Bitcoin Basics
    Consensus Algorithms
    Bitcoin Mining
    UTXO Model

    This course was a dive into the tecnical aspects and inner workings of Bitcoin. Here we went over how Bitcoin and Blockchains in general work.

    Crypto for Beginners


    Issued by Moralis Academy.

    August 3, 2021

    Covered Topics

    Bitcoin Basics
    Trading Bitcoin
    Leverage Tarding
    Buying Bitcoin
    Altcoin Basics
    Trading Platforms
    Storing Bitcoin
    Trading Altcoins
    Identifiying Scams

    During this course I learned technical basics about blockchain and crypto. The focus of this course was to give an overview of the ecosystem landscape. this course was mainly geared towards people interested in the fincancial aspects of blockchain and Bitcoin.

    Contact Me!

    If you have any questions about me, my projects or if you are interested in working together on exciting projects, please don't hesitate to contact me using the contact form. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Contact Me via the contact form for a Web3 Strategy Planning Session for your Business! You can also reach me under mail@simroth.at





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